Monday, August 13, 2007

World's most expensive bubble tea

Okay, I just had a very nervous (but extremely delicious) dinner.


Because I was with G and her grandma and cousins and aunties...

Anyways, after that I decided to go to Northbridge for ice cream and bubble tea. I have been craving for bubble tea for some time...

So, went there, parked, bought ice cream, walked to Tea Fusion and bought bubble tea.

Feast your eyes on the most expensive bubble tea in the world:

Why is it so expensive?

How much did I pay for it?

Well, it is the most expensive bubble tea in the world because of this:


So, yea... 100 bucks cause kena saman...
**hides in a corner, emo time**

Found it stuck on my car windscreen... and yea, I was only away from the car for like 10 mins max...

So I guess it's like 10 bucks for 1 min... T___________________T

Oh, you wanna know the best part?

The bubble tea is free.

Cause they have this card where after you buy 9 drinks, the 10th is free.

So yea, I redeemed my "free" bubble tea...

...and got kicked in the ass. (if I had balls, I assume this is what it feels like to have your balls drop -_______-||| )


Jade.Phoenix said...

wat an interesting post....kesian la u...

nuclear said...

omg ryu... pity u.. haha.. kena saman just to get a bubble tea.. lol.. tak pe lar ryu, make it as a lesson.. hahahahha!!!!

aL said...

adui. ouch. haha.

ColleenC said...

rofl..suey la u..

eh come pics of bubble tea nia..
family photos leh? =P

Ashley said...

muahahaha!! The most terrible day for you lah~

CRIZ LAI said...

Really pity you cos it's around RM200 there ***sweat*** That's why nowadays I am prepared to pay for a parking or get someone to sit in while I do a quick errand. It really matters as it still my hard earned money. A lesson learned right?

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